Acupuncture can be done with needles or a medical grade laser. Dr. Allexi uses very fine disposable, one time use needles that usually don’t hurt or often feel like a little pinch for just a moment.
– Masters Degree in Acupuncture – College for the Study of Oriental Medicine

Acupuncture's Role in Your Wellness
Acupuncture at Allexi Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Wellness Center offers a pathway to enhanced wellness, addressing a range of conditions. Acupuncture is the art of balancing and energizing the body. With the use of tiny needles or needless gentle laser, Dr. Allexi works to balance and invigorate your energy system. Acupuncture is more than needle insertion: it’s a journey towards optimal health. Using ancient Chinese medicine, Dr. Allexi skillfully activates specific energy points, promoting the flow of Qi, your vital life force. This process harmonizes your body’s energy system, often leading to profound relaxation and rejuvenation.

The Acupuncture Process Explained
Energy moves through the body in pathways called meridians. These pathways energize tissues and organs as they traverse from the top of the head to the tip of the toes. If energy becomes stuck or imbalanced along these pathways, we can experience pain or dysfunction. Many issues can be positively affected by acupuncture including but not limited to pain of any kind, fatigue, headaches/migraines, allergies, anxiety, depression, infertility, auto immune disorders, weight gain, post-surgical pain, gastro-intestinal issues, hormonal imbalances, PCOS, insomnia, adrenal fatigue and even thyroid issues.
Comprehensive Acupuncture Techniques
Moving your energy through acupuncture and invigorating the body with healthy food, herbs or nutritional supplementation can make all the difference in the world. It reminds your body of how it was meant to be; vital and strong. Dr. Allexi also incorporates techniques like Guasha and Chinese cupping to address deep-seated energy blockages. These methods release toxins, reduce discomfort and accelerate your body’s natural process of balance. Each session is tailored to your unique needs, ensuring a wholistic approach to your wellness journey.
Dr. Allexi’s knowledge of Chinese medicine and acupuncture along with her understanding of our bodies nutritional needs and functional structure give her an integrative perspective on both needling and the dynamic support of your energy system. Whether it is pain, illness, dysfunction or post surgical problems, acupuncture offers a solution to suffering and works to restore you to health. Call us to see if acupuncture can help you.