Empower Your Body, Mind, and Spirit with Integrative Care

Wholistic Medicine for Complete Health and Well-Being

Wholistic Medicine for Complete Health and Well-Being

Empower Your Body, Mind, and Spirit with Integrative Care

Wholistic Medicine for Complete Health and Well-Being

Wholistic Medicine for Complete Health and Well-Being

An Integrative Approach to Well-Being

Dr. Allexi offers an integrative approach to your health and well-being. She provides care that addresses your physical structure, unique biochemistry, nutritional needs, and even your dynamic bioenergetic patterns in acupuncture meridians.

Restoring Physical Stability Through Chiropractic Care

A multifaceted approach to health begins with functional physical stability and movement supported by chiropractic adjustments. A joint that is not in alignment will have difficulty creating strong muscles and pain-free movement. Dr. Allexi’s detailed, meticulous chiropractic care works to restore joint function and freedom of movement.

Unlocking Energy with Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a powerful approach to unblocking stuck or imbalanced energy in the body. Energy meridians are related to your organs, circulatory system, neurological function, and lymphatic drainage. Acupuncture can stimulate and enhance the health of every system in your body.

Nutritional Balance for Optimal Health

Our biochemistry, meaning our nutritional status, matters. What we are eating and drinking, even nutritional supplements, can make a big difference in our health. A nutritional consultation can change the way we see our food and nutritional needs. Dr. Allexi provides thorough nutritional evaluations to help you achieve your best biochemical balance. The right food and high-quality supplementation can make all the difference in meeting our very specific nutritional needs.

Advanced Nutritional Evaluations

Sometimes we need more information to give you a proper evaluation. When needed, we advise running advanced labs that assess deficiency, toxicity, infection, lifestyle issues, or even some previously undiagnosed illness. Digging deeper with blood labs, urine, hair analysis, and stool tests can help us get to the heart of the problem and give us a direction for resolution. These are not typical labs but are uniquely tailored specifically to you. After filling out a thorough questionnaire, Dr. Allexi would discuss with you what labs would be most beneficial. After testing is completed, a report is created outlining results and recommendations. Actions recommended include taking natural steps that support your body through diet, high-quality nutritional supplements, therapies, and lifestyle enhancements.

Cutting-Edge Functional Health Assessments

Using solid clinical experience and cutting-edge labs, Dr. Allexi can more thoroughly evaluate your individual health status and unique requirements for good health. A certificate in nutrition and ongoing education in functional medicine gives her a broad perspective on your body’s unique nutritional and biochemical needs.

NAET for Allergy and Sensitivity Repatterning

In addition to specific nutrition, Dr. Allexi sometimes recommends NAET as a solution. This technique is used for repatterning adverse responses to the environment, foods, or chemicals that may cause allergies, sensitivities, or a reduction of nutrient assimilation, leading to deficiencies. Through a special acupuncture technique, and by strengthening your body’s ability to digest and assimilate good nutrition, you are able to rebuild and strengthen your body. Your electrical field gets stronger, and your body is able to restore health and vitality.

Detoxification for Vital Energy Flow

Many illnesses and difficulties are caused, at least in part, by toxicity. Dr. Allexi sometimes recommends detoxification as a way to unblock obstructed pathways and open the flow of vital energies. Supporting your ability to utilize the very building blocks of life to build energy for health and repair can help you reach your health goals.

Discover a Path to Extraordinary Health

Investing in your health is a powerful way to live an extraordinary life. I invite you to explore the many approaches to health in our clinic. We are dedicated to addressing structure through chiropractic adjustments, energy balancing through acupuncture, and emotional balance through repatterning. Feel free to call our office if you want to ask if we could help you with an issue. We are happy to talk with you.